July 27, 2022 at 11:45 AMadmin

Dozing chemicals or acids in cooling tower water treatments results deposition of excess minerals that are responsible for corrosion and fouling.  Electrolytic Scale Remover manufactured by Tiaano, Chennai, India; is an Electro chemical devices that soften the cooling tower water using specific low - voltage and high - frequency electrolysis technology without the use of chemicals. 

Tiaano’s Electrolytic Scale Remover (ElSr) guarantees 100% Chemical free techniques which provide the cost-effective and resourceful method of cooling tower water treatment. Both the cooling water and makeup water are continuously circulated until it reaches 80% scale - free, thus blow down is limited and Cycle of Concentration is increased.

Tiaano's Electrolytic Scale Remover utilizes the naturally available minerals in the high TDS cooling tower water and generates ON-SITE biocide, hence it acts as the disinfectant, anti-fouling, and anti-bio fouling agent. It improves and enhances the calibration of heat exchanger efficiency.

This technology master more than 40 years and installed more than 6000 equipment globally. Moreover, it does not require termination of the plant operation for sake of cleaning the reactors. It is very simple to clean, this task utilizes a day or so. We provide simple manipulation, working and positioning fitness with reduced manpower.


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