Elimination of Handling, Storage and adding Chemicals through an Electrochemical Method

October 29, 2019 at 12:46 PMadmin
Towers will have an effective water treatment without the need for chemical additives, Tiaano ElSr system balances water naturally. This reduces safety concerns, insurance and training costs. Bio-contamination will be controlled by a biocide created naturally from water. [More]

The critical Parameters for the formation of Scale in Cooling Tower Water Treatment

October 28, 2019 at 2:59 PMadmin
We Tiaano recommended to control the scale by using electro chemical method. In this method no chemical is used. We launched a new innovative product called “Chemical Free self- cleaning Electrolytic Scale Remover”. [More]

Chemical Free Self- Cleaning ElSr unit with the additional facility of Global Data Monitoring (E-surveyor)

October 26, 2019 at 5:33 PMadmin
E-surveyor is used to monitor process variables and predict final product quality at an early stage, while also providing the better understanding of the process. This allows engineers and production managers to optimize their processes, thereby realizing significant cost and time savings. [More]

Posted in: Installation | Online Monitoring system | Write ups | Application | General Information | Introduction | Self-Cleaning System | Tiaano | E-surveyor

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Normally in traditional chlorine dosing there is a danger of excess chlorine which causes irritation and itching and eye burning in particular in swimming pool application. How this problem is over come in present system

October 24, 2019 at 5:27 PMadmin
For the application of swimming pool, chlorine production is auto controlled for the maximum of 5 ppm. [More]

Chemical Free Self-cleaning Electrolytic Scale Remover for Swimming Pool Water Treatment

October 23, 2019 at 6:33 PMadmin
The pool water should not be softened. If it is softened, there is no calcium ions or magnesium in the water, the hardness and electrical conductivity are so low that the process of electrolysis will be slow, resulting in poor effect. [More]

Chemical Free Fully Automatic Electrolytic Scale Remover (Tiaano ElSr-SC)

October 19, 2019 at 3:16 PMadmin
Unit responsibility of complete package by Tiaano. Unit means, responsibility for interfacing and successful operation of all components of ElSr supplied by Tiaano. [More]

Chemical Free Self-Cleaning Electrolytic Scale Remover – System operation

October 18, 2019 at 5:45 PMadmin
The treatment system must operate using the electrolysis principle with the electro chemical reactor, consisting electrolyzer of anode and cathodes. Water to flow through the reactor between the cathode and anode, continuously for electrical current to flow and cause the dissociation of the salts in the water into ions, should also precipitate all scale forming ions, not just magnesium and calcium but other ions that are susceptible to dropping out of the liquid at high pH viz., Silica, Ferum, Manganese etc. [More]

Our Newly designed Chemical Free self-cleaning Electrolytic Scale Remover for cooling tower water treatment

October 16, 2019 at 11:33 AMadmin
Tiaano incepted on 1992, installed over 5000 electrochemical water treatment systems in 63 countries. Chemical free self-cleaning (Fully Automatic) Electrolytic Scale Remover, our new innovative product is an online treatment system, widely accepted product designed for the application of cooling tower water treatment. [More]

Special Characteristics of Tiaano’s Chemical Free Electrolytic Scale Remover used for Cooling Tower Water Treatment System

October 14, 2019 at 4:40 PMadmin
Indian engineering & production follows science & Technology of Israel. [More]

Which parameters to be considered to take blow down? (TDS or conductivity)?

October 12, 2019 at 3:37 PMadmin
Normally in chemical dozing they take blow down when conductivity reaching 2000 μs / cm. But when using ElSr, our recommendation to blow down the water when the conductivity reaching between 4000 &4500 μs / cm. [More]